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IShiftSolver Properties

The IShiftSolver type exposes the following members.

Public propertyPauseEvent
Gets or sets a ManualResetEvent which allows the solver to be paused if it is being run in a separate thread.
Public propertyRandomSeed
Gets or sets the random seed value used by the solver.
Public propertySolverCaller

It is recommended to instead use the ShiftSolverStatusUpdated event to receive feedback from the solver as it is solving.

Gets or sets the SolverCaller for the solver. If the SolverCaller is set the solver will call the SolverCaller.UpdateSolverStatus() method when it has something new to report during solving.

Public propertyStopped
If this is set to true while the solver is running the solver stops and returns the best solution found so far.
Public propertyTitle
Gets a title/label for the solver.
Public propertyTotalEvaluations
Gets the number of individual solutions evaluated by the solver. (NB this is not possible to count for all solvers and depends on the type of algorithms used).
See Also | support