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ShiftSearch Properties

The ShiftSearch type exposes the following members.

Public propertyMaxIterations
If this is set to a non-negative value then the algorithm will finish after this number of iterations (or when the MaxRunTime is reached if it is less than the time taken to complete the iterations). If the same RandomSeed is used then the same solution will be produced after the same number of iterations each time the solver is run. This means that this can be used for reproducible tests. The default value is -1, meaning that the solver is only limited by the MaxRunTime.
Public propertyPauseEvent
Used to pause the solver while it is running.
Public propertyRandomSeed
If the same random seed is used for an instance then the solver will always create the same final solution (as long as the same amount of time is used).
Public propertySolverCaller

It is recommended to instead use the ShiftSolverStatusUpdated event to receive feedback from the solver as it is solving.

Used to get information from the solver while it is running.

Public propertySolveStatistics
A summary of statistics related to the solve.
Public propertyStopped
If this is set to true while the Solve method is executing then the solver will stop and return the best solution found so far.
Public propertyTitle
Returns a title/name for the algorithm.
Public propertyTotalEvaluations
Returns the number of unique solutions analysed by the algorithm.
See Also | support