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SolutionDiff Fields

The SolutionDiff type exposes the following members.

Public fieldEmployeeViolationsAdded
Violations of constraints that have been added. These are the constraints which apply to employees' individual schedules. For example day on/off requests or max work hours etc.
Public fieldEmployeeViolationsRemoved
Violations of constraints that have been removed. These are the constraints which apply to employees' individual schedules. For example day on/off requests or max work hours etc.
Public fieldOtherViolationsAdded
Violations of constraints that have been added. These are the constraints other than the constraints which apply to employees' individual schedules. For example cover constraints.
Public fieldOtherViolationsRemoved
Violations of constraints that have been removed. These are the constraints other than the constraints which apply to employees' individual schedules. For example cover constraints.
Public fieldShiftChanges
The changes in shifts between the original solution and the new solution.
See Also | support